
Women in Japanese Art


DATE: Sunday, September 19, 2010, 1:30 pm
SITE: St. Johns Hospital – Oakland: Education Center
27351 Dequindre Rd (West side); Madison Heights
(North of 11 Mile Rd • South of 12 Mile
Conveniently located North of I-696 and East of I-75)

Meeting Information: Patricia Beer @ (586) 558-9767


Slide lecture

Women in Japanese Art

By Jane Yamazaki, PhD

Takigawa from the Tea House, Ogi
Artist: Kitawa Utamaro
How are women portrayed in Japanese art? What do these glimpses of female beauty in art tell us about Japanese cultural and artistic sensibilities and how they have developed and changed over time?

Professor Yamazaki teaches courses on Japanese culture, contemporary culture and women in Japan at Oakland University. She has an M.A. in Asian History from the University of Virginia and a PhD in communication from Wayne State University. She is a collector of Japanese art, including contemporary woodblock prints.

One of the most famous ukiyo-e artists, Utamaro produced over two thousand prints during his working career, along with a number of paintings, surimono, as well as many illustrated books, including over thirty shunga books, albums, and related publications. among his best known works are the series, Ten Studies in Female Physiognomy: A Collection of Reigning Beauties. Great Love Themes of Classical Poetry (sometimes called Women in Love containing individual prints, such as Revealed Love and Pensive Love); and Twelve Hours in the Pleasure Quarters.

He alone, of his contemporary ukiyo-e artists, achieved a national reputation during his lifetime. His sensuous female beauties generally are considered the finest and most evocative bijinga in all of ukiyo-e. He succeeded in capturing subtle aspects of personality and transient moods of women of all classes, ages , and circumstances. His reputation has remained undiminished, since his work is known worldwide, and he is generally regarded as one of the half dozen greatest ukiyo-e artists of all time.


You are invited to bring Japanese art items depicting Japanese women to share with the group. - Note: The source material for a member's presentation on the work of William Pinckard, as edited by Richard Bozulich and entitled "Japanese Prints and the World of Go" is located at: .


Next meeting: October 17, 2010 - Shuishan Yu, PhD; "Writing an Image: Chinese Literati Painting."

Guests are always welcome to visit.


Of Special Interest:

Presented by the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)

East Asian Art: Historical Context & Modern Preservation of Paper-based Works

* November 4 – 5, 2010

Experts in the field of Asian Art uniformly recommend that preservation efforts be grounded in knowledge of the history and traditions embedded within the objects. This two-day conference will address the distinct historical and aesthetic differences that inform the rich artistic traditions of China, Japan, and Korea, as well as the practical concerns of handling, housing, storage, exhibition and conservation treatment of paper-based objects from this region. Program presenters will include nationally and internationally recognized art historians, curators, and conservators.

This program is intended for cultural heritage professionals responsible for the care and handling of paper-based art and artifacts from East Asia, including executive directors, curators, collections managers, librarians, archivists and conservators, as well as collectors and others interested in the history and care of works from this region.

Fee: $225 CCAHA Member Fee / $250 Non-Member Fee

Location: The Athenaeum of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

Register before September 21st at: